High Tidings May 2023

A bit of levity at the Spring Cleanup with Rear Commodore Len Van vLiet and fleet Captain David Chan

Upcoming Events

  • Tuesday May 2, 6:00 pm – Activities Meeting at NCYC

  • Wednesdays ongoing, 6:00 pm – Grill Night at NCYC

  • Wednesday May 3, 6:30pm – Outer Light Planning Committee Meeting at Myrcene Brewery

  • Thursday May 4, 5:00pm – Jr. Sailing Committee Meeting at NCYC

  • Saturday May 6, 9:00 – Work party to put up flagppole at NCYC

  • Saturday May 6, 6:00 pm – Kentucky Derby Party at NCYC

  • Saturday May 13 – Launch Service begins: check Club calendar for days and times

  • Thursday May 18, 6:30pm – Offshore Racing Skippers Meeting at NCYC, including Thursday Night Racing, Belle 8, and Outer Light

  • Sunday May 21, 4:00 pm – NCYC 54th Commissioning, arrive by 3:30

  • Wednesday May 24, 6:00 – Cruise Meeting at NCYC. Optional:Come at 5:00 for Happy Hour/Grill first.

  • Friday May 26, 6:00 pm – Friday Night Social, Moe’s Fajitas at NCYC

  • Saturday May 27- Monday May 29 – Memorial Day Mini-Cruise

Commodore Remarks

Boating season has arrived!

There was a wonderful turn-out for the Spring Clean-up on April 15! So many members showed up and got the Club ready, inside and out, for the upcoming season. Special thanks to Bob and Cathy Murphy for organizing and implementing a thorough re-do of the gardens, including taking out the rotting lumber in the parking lot planted areas and installing good-looking concrete block in their stead, sprucing up the planting containers and pruning and/or removing leggy shrubbery. Inside, everything that needed to be outside was moved outside and a thorough cleaning of the Club interior was implemented. We have such great volunteers and their willingness to pitch in is greatly appreciated.

The initial raising of the flag pole

Great to see many of you at the Spring Meeting. We had a quorum and the minutes will be posted on our website, northcoveyc.com. Add a link on your browser because thanks to our Web Master Jon Mason, that’s the best place to find updated club information and anything you want to know about NCYC.

A work party to lower, assemble and raise the flagpole, plus launch the whalers was originally scheduled for April 29th. Due to weather, however, it has been postponed to Saturday May 6th at 0900.  We will need eight to ten able-bodied seamen to achieve this. There are also a couple of grounds items we can wrap up. Watch your email for updates. 

The membership photo board pictures are a bit faded so we would like to update this. I know everyone likes their ten-year-old+ younger smiling faces–and we tried! But finding all the digital records is not possible. So, please send an updated smiling “head and shoulders” shot to our photo board chair.  Below is her request:

I am updating the membership board at NCYC. The membership board is particularly helpful to the stewards for identifying members. Members also reference it when at the club. Would you please e-mail me one photo of yourselves in landscape format and I will get it printed for the membership board. The board was created with space that is 4x3 for each photo. Meaning the photo is wider than it is tall. Thank you very much. 

Kathy Reddington  email: creekers@comcast.net

So…… looking forward, our next waypoint is the Kentucky Derby party Saturday May 6th at 1800. Do your research, pick your favorite three-year-old Thoroughbred, get your derby hats, and join us at NCYC’s version of Churchill Downs!

Following that is the club’s 54th Commissioning ceremony on Saturday May 21st at 1600 with appetizers and adult beverages to follow. Please plan to arrive ahead of time at 3:30pm because the festivities will start promptly. Anyone arriving late will miss out on this unique tradition.
Thanks to Dean McChesney, a hard copy of your club yearbook will be available at the Commissioning. I’ll again point you to the “members only” section of our website northcoveyc.com where you can see an online version.  

Thank to efforts of Dan Ferrier and Chris Bazinet, we have our night-time signal lights installed on the east side of the building above the NCYC letters. This is a yacht club tradition for yachts entering a harbor at night to be able to identify the location of the club and in some busy harbors there can be more than one club. Our colors are Blue-Yellow-Blue matching our burgee.   The lights were previously installed on the heavy aluminum flagpole but we did not want to drill holes and run cables in our new fiberglass pole and so chose to mount them on the building. 

Finally, the new IPE deck with cable railing is nearly complete and coming in under our BOG approved budget. The BOG has a sub-committee exploring purchase of new tables and benches for the deck that will match and be an upgrade from our current picnic tables.

Best of luck with your boat preparations.  Hope to see you at the club and on the water!

The Sea is calling,

Lou Vinciguerra, Commodore


The Membership Committee is working on several membership packages.  If you have anyone who is interested in hearing about membership in North Cove Yacht Club send their contact information to Membership Chair Caroline Miller (c.d.miller@comcast.net)

And posted to Membership: 

Tim and Debbie Matson

Old Saybrook, CT

Debbie: Executive Coach

Investment Management:  Semi-Retired / NT Designer

Proposed by:  Caroline Miller

Support letters:  Pavlos, Tuzzio, Paulson

Children: Jessica (24)

Boating: Tim has sailing and some racing experience.

Skills/interests:   They are interested in getting involved in sailing and meeting like-minded people.  They enjoy socializing and organizing dinners.  They look forward to helping to improve the Club. 

Jr. Sailing

Join us for a special Junior Sailing Committee meeting on May 4th at 5pm at NCYC!

Questions? Contact Melissa Mason.



The club started strong with our first in-house event, The Spring Meeting After Party!  Once again, members out did themselves with the fantastic food!  It was so good to be together with old friends and to meet new members! People even took advantage of the beautiful new bar!!  As a new Events Co-Coordinator I learned some valuable lessons about TEAMS. A HUGE shout out and thank you for the Vinciguerra Family, Linda Tuzzio and Kathy Reddington for getting to the club early and setting up. Also a big thanks to Lisa Elliot for helping with the kitchen. That was hugely appreciated!

Next meeting:  MAY 2 @ 6

Where: NCYC


NEXT EVENT:  MAY 6 - Kentucky Derby Party

Our next event is the Kentucky Derby party on May 6.  Dress in your best Derby outfit! There will be a hat competition so bring it!!  And maybe some friendly wagers?  This will be another heavy appetizer/BYOB event so start thinking about your best recipe for “southern cookin’!”  And what would the Derby be without Mint Juleps?  They will be available at the bar for a small donation. Please keep an eye out for the sign up, and sign up early! 



We will be working on this at the meeting on May 2nd. This is a big event and will need lots of help so again, to make this event a memorable one, please look for the sign up coming soon and sign up early.  SOMETHING NEW, there will be a silent auctioning at this event!  There are some really great gift baskets to bid on so don’t miss out. All proceeds are to help the Outer Light Race. 

Looking forward to seeing you all at the next event!  


Melissa Clark and Lucy Driggs-Armstrong,

Activities Co-Chairs

Launch Update

Greetings & Salutations Fellow Members,

The NCYC launch is looking awesome thanks to the hard work and determination of Elio Betty and those of you who have been to the club pre-season to help out in spiffing her up. That fresh coat of paint, boot stripe, and varnish work really look great.  All our returning launch captains are excited to get back aboard and see some familiar faces in the club and out on the water.

With all that said, the NCYC launch will be splashed in on May 8th, 2023, and will be undergoing our usual U.S. Coast Guard inspections. A big thank you to Len van Vliet, Tanya Anderson, and Stefan Golicz for prepping and seeing us through the process this year.

Your steady crew for the 2023 Marine Season is the cast of usual suspects:

Tanya Anderson, Stefan Golicz, Steven Lee, and Jack Cardello

Filling in on a few occasions will be:

Dave Miller, Len van Vliet, Dave Chan, Walter Gayeski, Bill Porter, and RJ Lavallee

During the NCYC Spring Meeting some updated procedures were announced to the membership which include:

  • The launch schedule (hours of operation) for any given day has been posted on the club’s website thanks to Melissa & Jon Mason.

  • The hours posted on the website are the hours the launch will be running. With the exception of any temporary weather-related delays or cancelations.

  • Keep your VHF tuned to channel 78A to ensure you’ll hear the announcement for the final evening run. “Don’t miss the boat”. -pun intended…

Recap of Launch Rules

Nobody likes to be reminded about the rules. Rules can be like a wet blanket; however, please stick to some of our basics policies for your and your guests’ safety on the launch:

  •  Please stay seated while riding the launch. Sometimes you may have to provide a little coaching for your guests and little ones that may not possess the sea time you do.

  • Kids 12 and under are required by law to wear a life preserver aboard any vessel.

  • Consuming alcoholic beverages on the launch is not permitted. We will however help you smuggle your packaged alcoholic provisions across the cove to your vessel. -For all you rumrunners, the prohibition era lives on, lol…

  • Remember to standby on your boat or in the launch until the launch has successfully tied alongside your boat and the launch operator is satisfied with the stability between both boats. This is extremely important during periods of wind and choppy waters. The launch operator will let you know when he or she is ready for you to board or disembark the NCYC launch. Remember that our launch is a smaller size and movement aboard the launch affects the maneuverability of the boat.

  • Even though on some shifts our members double as launch operators, remember that the launch operator is a licensed captain and commissioned by NCYC in that capacity to ensure the safety of you and your guests while transitioning to and from your boats with people and gear. During the ride, they’re in charge. So sit back, relax, and enjoy the scenery.

On behalf of all our launch operators, we are looking forward to seeing everyone down at the club for what is shaping up to be a great year for boating and enjoying the club and waterfront at North Cove. I wish you fair winds and following seas wherever the breeze takes you this season.


Bill Porter, Launch Operations 

Cruising News

We had a very good–and amusing–cruise meeting on Saturday April 15! We have a tentative cruise fleet of a dozen vessels, and we did firm up our second week ports of call.

There were ideas for the Tigress Cup that require serious consideration – more to come. Lots of fun-filled activities also to come as we try to have a very comfortable cruise itinerary. Find out more at our next cruise meeting on Wednesday May 17 at the Club house – we will be enjoying our Happy Hour/Dinner at 5pm before starting the meeting at 6pm.

At this meeting, we would like to firm up our July 4th cruise, Three Mile fireworks cruise, Wine cruise, and our ever-popular Labor Day Mystic Drive/Cruise weekend.

We would love to hear your ideas and thoughts for our cruises! Lots of fun and sweet memories. See you soon.

Many thanks and regards,

David Chan, Fleet Captain

Block Island Mooring Rules

This missive from Block Island Harbormaster addresses our NCYC club mooring in Block Island.

Protocols for bad weather and having to possibly break up rafts on moorings if necessary.

1. If there is impending weather and you are advised to relocate, it is a $55.00/night fee to be on a town mooring and $60.00/night fee for a private mooring for the 2023 season. This is also based on availability. It is your responsibility to make proper arrangements to vacate the Pond if there is a possible hurricane. The Harbormaster is always monitoring VHF CH 12, 24/7 Memorial Day to Labor Day.
2. Reminder that there is a maximum of three vessels on a club mooring. Upon arrival, you are to fly the proper club burgee in a visible location.
3. You are to utilize the mooring for a minimum of two weeks during the season Memorial Day to Columbus Day. At the end of the season, the club is to verify use by showing the department your reservation system which should include boat name and type, captain last name and contact number.
4. Valid vessel registration and insurance is not a requirement yet, but very much advised for each club member.
5. The Town does not rent out club moorings and only utilizes them in an emergency. If you see a vessel you do not believe is a member, you can contact the Harbormaster on the radio.
6. Vessels are getting larger, but we only have so much designated space. If you have your allowed three vessels on the mooring, but they are all over 45' you may have issues with swing room. To avoid conflict with your neighbors you may need to separate.

Kate McConville

From the Chaplain’s Corner of the Cove

Infinite Spirit, Father Sky, Earth Mother, Creator:

We gather to praise your creation, to celebrate this special place,
to remember the swimmers, sailors, cruisers, past and present
to honor the winged, the finned, and the legged.
we give thanks for the beauty and glory of creation
and open our hearts to new ways to understand
our place in the universe,
as a humble and balanced place,
where every step we take becomes a prayer,
where every word we say
makes harmony with the vast, vibrating cosmos,
and where we know we are singing the song of life.

Free Jet-14 Sailboat to Good Home

1972 Jet 14

I’m looking for a home for my old neglected, but not abused, red fiberglass Jet 14.  It was built by my brother-in-law Dave Siddons  (a.k.a. Siddons & Sindle) in Island Heights, NJ. about 1972-73. This was among the first glass Jet 14s built. All you need to do is come pick it up! I would give it to anyone who would restore and enjoy it. It has sails, rudder, center board, mast, etc and needs some TLC. It has been outside under a tarp and hasn’t been sailed since 1986 when I discovered large sailboat cruising. I’ve own it since the summer of 1974. My sister was married to Dave Siddons, his father, Howard (“Sid”) Siddons, was the man who designed the Jet-14. 

She does need some work, no serviceable trailer (it’s old, rusty with old wheels, wouldn’t pass inspection I presume because of the old wheels…I will probably need to junk it). But the boat has 2 nice sails (sail number doesn’t match the hull number), a sail bag and 3 battens, a generic wooden rudder in nice shape with a tiller extension, galvanized steel centerboard, aluminum mast and boom. Running rigging and stays need servicing or replacing. Needs 2 inspection port rings & lids (4”). Two self bailers in floor need replacing or glassing…I just taped over them. Cosmetic aging of gelcoat needs at least some cleaning/polishing. The boat has been kept under tarp dry on the trailer, and all accessories have been kept inside my house.


Jim Lawless

From the Editor:

Thanks, as always, to everyone who contributed to this issue of High Tidings. Photos are by: Jim Lawless, Deb Paulson, Richard Sachs, Tom Tydeman, Lou Vinciguerra