Registration for Summer 2025 Opens Now!
Don’t delay! Sessions are filling up quickly!
North Cove Yacht Club provides an engaging learning environment to promote the sport of sailing. The objective of the Club's Junior Sailing Program is to teach sailing in a safe and structured environment to any interested youth.
Youth ages 8 through 16 as of August 1, 2025 may register one, two or all three sessions. Each two-week session will provide instruction for both beginners, intermediate and advanced sailors. The program hours are Monday through Friday from 9am to 4pm.
Registration Opens:
NCYC Members: January 1, 2025
Non-members: February 1, 2025
For 2025, we will hold three two-week sessions. Please note that each session is ten days (except July 4th week) and runs from 9:00 am until 4:00 pm on weekdays.
Session 1: June 23 – July 3 (no class July 4th)
Session 2: July 7 – July 18
Session 3: July 21 – August 1
$725 per session for Non-Club member students
NCYC Members get a 20% discount per session! Membership information here.
T-shirts provided to all sailors. Other limited edition NCYC Junior Sailing Gear will be available for purchase.
North Cove Yacht Club provides an engaging learning environment to promote the sport of sailing. The objective of the Club's Junior Sailing Program is to teach sailing in a safe and structured environment to any interested youth.
NCYC employs qualified, certified US Sailing Association instructors who, along with the Junior Sailing Committee oversee our programs. These instructors are also certified in CPR and First Aid. NCYC's programs are based on US Sailing's curriculum.
Youth ages 8 through 16 as of August 1, 2025 may register one, two or all three sessions. Each session will provide instruction for both beginners and intermediate sailors. On the basis of the instructors’ evaluations, classes will be organized into Opti 1, Opti 2 and 420 sailboats. Note: Sailors may spend more than one session at each level.
Optimists “Opti” Level 1
For students who may have little or no experience on the water in sailboats; or do not have a history of organized instructional sailing experience. This class covers the fundamentals: how to rig, de-rig, care for the boats and equipment, capsize recovery, understanding the wind, how to tack and jibe. Students are introduced to the different points of sail, and basic "rules of the road." Sailors who have mastered the basics based on instructor evaluation will then move to the Opti 2 level.
Optimists "Opti" Level 2
Sailors build on the basics and learn to be competent at boat handling, fine-tuning sail trim and shape, roll tacking, jibing as well as race skills. Note: A student can comfortably sail an Opti until they are over 5 feet and/or 110 pounds. Sailors are eligible to race in Optis until they turn 16. There are many Opti regatta events held at area yacht clubs.
Club 420 sailboats
This two-person boat with mainsail and jib provides Club 420 sailors the opportunity to develop teamwork skills. Students recommended by our instructors will move to the Club 420 class once they have mastered the Opti levels. Sailors must be at least 12 before being placed in Club 420s. A program goal is to provide opportunities to compete in inter-club racing as a way to continue to develop both the interest and skills for sailors from the NCYC program.
CANCELLATION POLICY: Participants will receive a refund if they cancel before 30 days prior to the session start date. No refunds will be given if cancellation is made within 30 days prior to the camp.
Participation Requirements
SWIMMING ABILITY – Students must be able to swim at least 25 yards and float or tread water without a life jacket for a minimum of five minutes. Parents or guardians must sign a statement so certifying.
LIFE JACKETS – Students must have a properly sized U.S. Coast Guard approved, life jacket. The life jacket must be worn, properly buckled, at all times while in boats, on docks or floats. Students without a properly sized life jacket or students not wearing them properly will be excluded from class.
WILLINGNESS TO CONTRIBUTE TO THE LEARNING ENVIRONMENT AND FOLLOW INSTRUCTIONS – The objective of our program is to give students the best learning opportunity possible. This requires that students not disrupt classes and that they follow instructions. When on the water, this also becomes an issue of safety. Students who require medication during the school year for ADD/ADHD are urged to have discussion with their doctor concerning continuation of their medication during sailing lessons as this is a learning environment requiring attentiveness to complex tasks.
NO BULLYING – North Cove Yacht Club has a no bullying policy.
NO PHONES OR ELECTRONICS – Phones and electronic devices are not allowed to be used by students and must be stored away in backpacks during the day. If a student needs to make a call, they should talk to the Head Instructor who can help.
Students participating in the NCYC programs must be willing to abide by these requirements. It is expected that parents or guardians will make sure that their students fully understand these requirements before making application to the program. Should situations arise where their behavior, of a student interferes with or impairs the ability of other in the class to learn, the instructors will first discuss the problem with the student. If the problem persists, the parent or guardian will be advised, and then if no correction is made, more drastic steps will be considered, including dismissal**. While these procedures should cover most instances, in particular situations where the safety of the student or other students is a stake, the instructor will use their judgment concerning the appropriate course of action.
** In the event of dismissal, no refund of tuition will be made.
Our 2025 Junior Sailing program will be lead by returning Program Director, Amy Vinciguerra. Our Head Instructor is Alex Beauchene. Our senior instructors are certified US Sailing Association instructors. For safety, our instructors are certified in CPR and First Aid. NCYC's programs are based on US Sailing's curriculum.
The North Cove Yacht Club, through the junior program sponsors a Monday Evening racing series from 5:00-7:30 pm for sailors enrolled in any session of this six-week program. To be eligible a sailor needs to be recommended as having the skill to race by a senior instructor.
Any sailors who would like to participate in our volunteer Junior Instructor program are welcome to apply. You must by at least 14 years old and have achieved the rank of Skipper 1, or have equivalent experience. See the application below.