June 2022

The Season Begins, photo by Jim Lawless

Upcoming Events

  • Wednesday evenings  – Grill Night – Join for a drink or dinner

  • Thursday evenings – Race Night – Be at the dock by 5:00 if you want to join

  • Wednesday 6/15  Cruising Meeting – Bring your dinner and eat then join in

  • Saturday 6/18, 1:00 pm – Opti Racing

  • Saturday 6/18, 3:00 pm – Commodore Cookout

  • Wednesday 6/25 Full time launch service begins - Check the NCYC Calendar for hours

  • 6/20-6/24  Jr. Sailing Prep Week

  • 6/20-6/24  @ 4:30 pm Jr. Sailing Race Clinic

  • 6/24 Friday Night Social @ 6:00 pm

  • July 4th Mini Cruise to Watch Hill


Commodore’s Remarks

Welcome to summer! It has been great to see everyone on the deck on Friday evenings. I hope you come down and join us. 

June is a very busy month: Wednesday night grill night has started, and grilling is not a necessity to join in. Thanks to Kathi and Bruce for offering to keep an eye on the grills. In June, Jr. Racing kicks off. VC Vinciguerra has begun the prep on the smaller boats. We have a O’Day for adult lessons, but the boat needs a little love before it can be launched. Please contact VC Vinciguerra if you can help. 

Editor’s note: The Commodore is retiring from her other job this Friday ;)

As we continue to repair the damage from the winter storm, the replacement flagpole has been ordered. Hopefully that comes in before the end of summer.  And a very big thank you to Rich and Lauren Peters for lending the Club their flagpole in the interim.



Our spiffy cart

Check out the new cart to carry your bags to the boat. We are trying to limit the amount of driving in front of the Club, so we hope you give it a try.


The club has joined the Yachting Club of American. This provides NCYC members reciprocity to hundreds of yacht clubs across the country. The information can be found in the member’s section of the Club website. There is a copy of the book in the Steward’s office.



This month the Club welcomes the Skidmore Family and Rod Cross and Terri Sullivan to NCYC Membership.

This month we posted:  (Note:The Commodore apologizes for the all the typos she had in her original posting. )

  • Errol and Caryl Horner, Chester CT

  • Errol:  Architect, Art Restoration, Framing

  • Caryl:  Retired

  • Proposed by:  Caroline Miller

  • Support letters: Tuzzio, Chan, Pavlos

  • Boat: 21’ Quickstep sloop

  • Boating: Sailboat owner since 21 years old.  Mate of 59’ Boothbay Challenger.   

  • Skills/interests:   Enjoy the co-operative nature of the supportive cause of Club.

Tina Pascoe and Mike Midgette, Old Saybrook, CT

  • Tina: Pediatric Health Consultant and Owner Nurses for Daycare LLC

  • Mike:  Civil Engineer-Aecom

  • Children:  Alison Kalbaugh (1999)

  • Proposed by:  Caroline Miller

  • Support letters:  Miller, Mason, Chan

  • Boat: Ranker- Fiesta V Single Engine Power 27’

  • Boating: Michael and Tina grew up with boats. Tina’s dad had a 42-foot power boat which they took out every weekend.  She has her boating course license, navigation and advanced navigation and plans on taking the captain’s course. Mike has a 27-foot fishing boat also which he keeps on Mason Island in Mystic.  He has extensive experience both on his boat and assisting friends with boats. 

Chris and Gail Griffin, Wethersfield, CT

  • Chris:  Computer Programmer

  • Gail:  Computer Lab Assistant

  • Proposed by:  Golicz

  • Support letters: Murphy, Hathaway, Ferrier

  • Boat:  38’ Ericson Sloop

  • Boating:  Sailing since childhood, cruising ranges from NYC to Cape Cod.   

  • Skills/interests:   Chris has been using North Cove harbor for a number of years and has met many club members during that time. He’s attended the Thursday night races and the Outer Light Classic for a number of years. He is attracted to the club amenities which are far superior to that of the town dock. Almost all the friends he’s made in North Cove are club members. He is interested to see how he can help.

Sue and Dick Lacey, Bristol, CT

  • Dick:  Lawyer

  • Sue:  Retired Actuarial Consultant

  • Proposed by:  Caroline Miller

  • Support letters:  Pavlos, Mason, Chan

  • Boat: 30’ Catalina  

  • Boating: 20 years experience in New England.

Skills/interests:  Dick and Sue are new mooring holders and have a nearby condo. They believe North Cove is a beautiful spot and look forward to the companionship of other sailors and participating in the activities the Club has to offer. They are more than willing volunteers for any maintenance projects.

Jr. Sailing Update

The Junior Sailing team is so excited for the season to begin! Prep week starts next week (June 20) and Session 1 begins June 27th. Thank you in advance to everyone as we have 25-27 young sailors around the club each week. A few reminders:

  • Duty Officers: It's not too late! We still have plenty of openings. Sign up here:

  • · Slow speed: Please drive slowly especially if you are pulling around to the waterfront! This is the safety of our sailors and instructors.

  • Ed Godfrey Monday Night Junior Racing series: Begins June 27 and runs each Monday evening through August 1st. All returning 420 sailors and Junior Instructors are eligible. If any club Opti sailors are interested, please let me or Amy Vinciguerra know.

Thanks to everyone in our club community for your support. If you want to join our team, please reach out!

Happy boating,

Melissa Mason, Junior Sailing Chair

Save the Date!

All-American Cookout with two Navy Offshore Sailing team crews

North Cove Yacht Club will be hosting two US Naval Academy Offshore Sailing team crews for an All-American cookout on Friday, July 22 at 5pm. 

Join us for this great evening and hang out with these amazing young women and men.

Go Navy!



The 53rd Commissioning took place on a lovely Sunday afternoon on May 15th with plenty of members in attendance and plenty of food to enjoy. 

 Activities is happy to report that the first Friday Night Social Gathering of the 2022 season took place on May 27 and all that came had a wonderful time. Only one new member showed up, though,  so next time you see a new member at the club, please reach out and make them feel welcome. 

After the new member orientation on Saturday June 4, Activities held a planning meeting and much got done. Some highlights:

  • This season we hope to hold the ORCA (Ocean Recovery Community Alliance) event on the afternoon of July 29. This is a Friday and the date of the July Social Gathering at the club. We will once again start around 1530 (3:30) or 1600 (4:00) to man kayaks, paddleboards, and dinghies to clean up our cove area. After the clean-up, we will have a hot dog picnic social gathering. 

  • We also decided to give the Mexican themed night from last year another go. We are checking out other options, so we are not positive about the menu yet, but look for the signup when it comes out. 

We are looking forward to the Commodore’s Cookout coming up this Saturday, June 18th at 3:00. Don’t miss this chance to see your Commodore’s serve up the famous chicken barbeque!

As always, we welcome all ideas and help with this and all future events. There is a signup sheet in the club kitchen. Please stop by and sign up to volunteer to help with an event.

Many people have been showing up for both the weekly Wednesday grill night and Friday happy hours on the deck—hope to see you there soon!  

Thank you,

Ann Chan & Cathy Murphy, Activities co-chairs

Cruising News

The next Cruise Meeting is on Wednesday June 15 at the Club during the Wednesday grill night. Meeting will start at 6:30pm.

Please click on the link to see the updated Cruising Itinerary

From the Chaplain’s Little Corner of the Cove


My father always had this prayer above the companionway on the boat.

"O, God, Thy Sea is so great, and my boat is so small."

This is an old Breton fishermen's prayer. President John F. Kennedy kept a plaque with this prayer on his desk in the oval office. Although my father did not share Kennedy's political views, they had a common reverence for the vastness of creation and a shared perspective on their own independence and significance relative to that power and grandeur.

May your own voyages be safeguarded by this awareness.


Sending Out a Message to the Entire Club


Calling all club chair members or folks who need to get word out to all club members - you can contact me: jon.masonahoy@gmail.com and I can help.

If you'd like something sent out to the club, here's what I need:

  • What you want to say (I'll likely copy and paste it).  If you are not sure, you can tell me that too and I can help.

  • When you want people to see it (example: please send this Monday 7/3, Tuesday 7/4 and a last call on 7/10.)

  • Links to stuff you want people to see.

  • · Image if you have it (or want it.)

    Of, if you don't see emails from us regularly, I can check the email address(es) on file and attempt to diagnose the problem.  Just reach out.



    Jon Mason

Lost, Found, For Sale, For Free

Free Dinghy. Needs love. Contact Lou V.

free dinghy. needs love. Contact Lou V.


North Cove Yacht Club

Where the women are strong,

The men are good looking,

And the children become brilliant sailors.


From the Newsletter Editor

If you have Club news to share, a maritime story to tell, a sailing read to recommend, a lively anecdote, or something boat-related to sell, please email me to have it included in the next newsletter.


Deb Paulson, Newsletter Editor